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Privacy policy

Definition and nature of personal data

When you use our site, we may ask you to provide us with personal data about yourself.

The term ‘personal data’ refers to any data that makes it possible to identify an individual, which includes your surname, first names, pseudonym, photograph, postal and e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, date of birth, data relating to your transactions on the site, details of your purchases and subscriptions, credit card numbers and any other information you choose to give us about yourself.

Purpose of this charter

The purpose of this charter is to inform you about the means we use to collect your personal data, in strict compliance with your rights.

In collecting and managing your personal data, we comply with the current version of the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978.

Identity of the person responsible for data collection

The company responsible for collecting your personal data is ALTHODE, SAS, registered in the Angers Trade and Companies Register under no. 829 160 357, with its registered office in Angers.

Collection of personal data

Your personal data is collected for one or more of the following purposes:

  1. To manage your access to and use of certain services available on the site,
  2. To carry out operations relating to customer management concerning contracts, orders, deliveries, invoices, loyalty programmes and customer relations,
  3. To compile a file of registered members, users, customers and prospects,
  4. To send newsletters, requests and promotional messages. If you do not wish us to do so, we give you the option of expressing your refusal in this respect when your data is collected;
  5. To compile commercial and visitor statistics for our services,
  6. Organise competitions, lotteries and all promotional operations with the exception of online gambling and games of chance subject to approval by the Autorité de Régulation des Jeux en Ligne,
  7. Manage people’s opinions on products, services or content,
  8. To manage outstanding payments and any disputes arising from the use of our products and services,
  9. Comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

When we collect your personal data, we inform you whether certain data is mandatory or optional. We also inform you of the possible consequences of failing to reply.

Recipients of the data collected

The staff of our company, the services responsible for control (auditors in particular) and our subcontractors will have access to your personal data.

Your personal data may also be disclosed to public bodies, exclusively in order to meet our legal obligations, court officers, legal representatives and bodies responsible for debt collection.

Transfer of personal data

Your personal data may be transferred, leased or exchanged to third parties. If you so wish, we give you the option of ticking a box expressing your agreement to this when your data is collected.

Retention period for personal data

Concerning data relating to the management of customers and prospects :

Your personal data will not be kept for longer than is strictly necessary to manage our commercial relationship with you. However, data required to establish proof of a right or contract, or to comply with a legal obligation, will be kept for the period stipulated by the law in force.

With regard to any prospecting operations aimed at customers, their data may be kept for a period of three years from the end of the commercial relationship.

Personal data relating to a prospect who is not a customer may be kept for a period of three years from the date of collection or the last contact from the prospect.

At the end of this three-year period, we may contact you again to find out whether you wish to continue to receive commercial solicitations.

Concerning identity documents:

If you exercise your right of access or rectification, data relating to identity documents may be kept for the period stipulated in article 9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, i.e. one year. If the right to object is exercised, this data may be archived for the limitation period stipulated in article 8 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, i.e. three years.

Concerning the management of opt-out lists:

Information enabling us to take account of your right to object is kept for a minimum of three years from the date on which you exercise your right to object.

Concerning audience measurement statistics:

Information stored in users’ terminals or any other element used to identify users and enabling their traceability or frequentation will not be kept beyond 6 months.


We inform you that we take all necessary precautions and appropriate organisational and technical measures to preserve the security, integrity and confidentiality of your personal data and, in particular, to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorised third parties. We also use or may use secure payment systems that comply with the state of the art and applicable regulations.


Cookies are text files, often encrypted, stored in your browser. They are created when a user’s browser loads a given website: the site sends information to the browser, which then creates a text file. Each time the user returns to the same site, the browser retrieves this file and sends it to the website’s server.

There are two types of cookie, which serve different purposes: technical cookies and advertising cookies:

  • Technical cookies are used throughout your browsing experience to make it easier and to perform certain functions. A technical cookie may, for example, be used to remember the answers given in a form or the user’s preferences regarding the language or presentation of a website, where such options are available.
  • Advertising cookies may be created not only by the website on which the user is browsing, but also by other websites displaying advertisements, announcements, widgets or other elements on the page displayed. In particular, these cookies may be used to carry out targeted advertising, i.e. advertising based on the user’s browsing habits.

We use technical cookies. These are stored in your browser for a period not exceeding six months.

We do not use advertising cookies. However, if we were to use them in the future, we would inform you in advance and you would have the option of deactivating these cookies.

We use or may use Google Analytics, which is a statistical audience analysis tool that generates a cookie to measure the number of visits to the site, the number of pages viewed and visitor activity. Your IP address is also collected to determine the city from which you are connecting. The length of time this cookie is kept is mentioned in article 7 (v) of this charter.

We would like to remind you that you can refuse to accept cookies by configuring your browser. Such a refusal could, however, prevent the site from functioning properly.

When you choose to communicate your personal data, you expressly give your consent to the collection and use of such data in accordance with the provisions of this charter and current legislation.

Access to your personal data

In accordance with French law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on data processing, data files and individual liberties, you have the right to obtain access to and, if necessary, rectify or delete data concerning you, by means of online access to your file. You can also contact

  • E-mail address:
  • Postal address: Althode – 2 rue Gustave Eiffel – 49124 LE PLESSIS-GRAMMOIRE

Please note that any person may, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning him or her.


We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify all or part of this charter at any time. These changes will come into force on publication of the new charter. Your use of the site following the entry into force of these modifications will constitute recognition and acceptance of the new charter. If you do not accept the new charter, you should no longer access the site.

Entry into force

This charter comes into force on 01/12/2022.